Sunday, December 3, 2006

Smelly dog, smelly dog...

Rumination #1

I've spent most of my weekend trying to figure out how to make a smelly dog smell better. Old Dawg (almost 13) has chronic skin problems and lately has been smelling like...well...I can't even describe it. We've been to the vet ($$$$$$$$), bought lots of different shampoos (more $$$$$$$$), bathed her every week, and she STILL STINKS. Today I spent about an hour on the internet Googling "Smelly Dog" and my search came back with lots of possible solutions. I won't bring them up here since many of them aren't fit for friendly conversation. Suffice it to say that Old Dawg will be visiting the groomer this week for another bath and some "adjustments" to her hind end (those of you with canines will surely know of what I speak). And if any of you out there have other creative solutions (we'll have no pound talk!), by all means please share. Our noses (and the carpet) will be most appreciative!

Rumination #2

I've been trying to figure out exactly where I'm going with this thing called a blog. I'm so envious of you out there who actually have a flow; a direction; a raison d'être. I truly can't wait until "Wordless Wednesday" and "Thursday Thirteen" - at least I'll know where to begin on those days. All others will definitely be a crap shoot - I could go most anywhere. So for those of you who chose to read this mess, please bear with me. I promise to proofread (as best I can); to stay away from certain dirty words (insert any and all here that you may or may not have used one time or the other); to have an open mind and be respectful of others' opinions (within reason); to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong...wait a minute...that's the Girl Scout Law (and I was never a Scout!) Aw heck, you know what I mean - I'll figure it out one way or the other and I'm sure I can look to all of you to keep me in line. In fact, I'm counting on it!!


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

oo hind adjustment.. I believe I know what that is...milking as we call it

just move forward with this thing Pia and it will all fall in place...

I blinded you with Science! said...


Your blog will take a mind of its own as time goes on. One thing is that to write what you are feeling that moment. Sometimes, in my instance, one of my blogs had a purpose, the other is one just to let loose and have other emotions about everything.

Glad to see you have joined the world of blogging.


Maryfly said...

girl you are too funny!! As for the puppy odor, isn't it tomato soup you use to get rid of the odor from a skunk? I can't imagine bathing a dog in soup but hey, if it's that bad..... hugs, smooches and gropes!!

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

Awwww Pia, I sure can't give you any advice on the smelly dog... sure hope everything turns out ok...

Your doing an excellent job... keep up the good work!

Piacere said...

Bond: Ewwwwwwwww...milking??? Maybe if I tell Old Dawg that, she'll go for it...BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! And I'll keep plugging along 'til this thing falls where it's supposed to.

Diana: Thank you for your words of wisdom - and thank goodness I have all of you out there for inspiration :)

Maryfly: GURL!!!!!! There ain't enuff tomato soup in this town to kill this stank...I gotta go industrial on this job! HSG back atcha!!

Dixie: She's gotta smell better - she sure couldn't smell any worse - whew! And thanks for the words of encouragement - I'll do my best!

amynoroom said...

I love your blog and all the stinky dog talk!!!! Keep writing!

TopChamp said...

I'm glad you're blogging - it's fun.

I never had any reason to start... nor continue either. It just so happened that we had a national blogging day just after my wee brother had started a blog.

It's nice to meet people who I might never otherwise have come across.

And by all means link away - with a trumpeting sibling you must be ok!