Stochastic means "random in nature". A rumination is the act of pondering or meditation. I prefer the definition "chewing of the cud." That's all I'm going to say right now...more to come...
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Just Another Wordless Wednesday
An archeological team, digging in Washington DC , has uncovered 10,000 year old bones and fossil remains of what is believed to be the first politician:
That's Italian for "pleasure". Italians who meet for the first time usually say "piacere" or "molto piacere" (a great pleasure). Nope - I'm not Italian...just a good 'ole Southern gal who's married to a Sicilian. And I cook Italian A LOT. And we drive a big car with a BIG trunk...just kidding! So ciao and benvenuti!!!
*spews another mouthful of Diet Dew on puter* Now that's what I call having your head up your butt.... BUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Oh no. . .here it comes. . .it's a giggle fit!!
Turnbaby, Dixie, and Trav:
DAY-UM!!!! (That was pretty funny, wasn't it???) Actually, I believe that photo applies to more than just politicians, but don't get me started...
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